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Англо-русский биологический словарь - wild


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Перевод с английского языка wild на русский


1) дикий; дикорастущий

2) пугливый

to run wild — одичать; зарасти

in the wild — в природе

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Англо-русский авиационный словарь
   1. adj.  1) дикий; wild flower - полевой цветок  2) невозделанный; необитаемый  3) пугливый (о животных, птицах и т.п.)  4) бурный, буйный, необузданный  5) бешеный, неистовый; раздраженный; безумный; исступленный; to be it drives me wild - это приводит меня в бешенство - be wild - in wild spirits - wild with joy  6) штормовой, бурный  7) необдуманный, сделанный наугад; wild scheme - сумасбродный план; wild shot - выстрел наугад - wild guesses  8) coll. распущенный, безнравственный - wild fellow  9) находящийся в беспорядке, растрепанный; wild hair - растрепанные волосы - run wild Syn: feral, ferocious, fierce, savage see turbulent Ant: docile, domesticated, gentle, harmless, timid  2. adv. наугад, как попало  3. noun (the wilds) пустыня, дебри; in the wilds of Africa - в дебрях Африки WILD boar кабан, вепрь WILD card noun непредсказуемый человек; непредсказуемое явление WILD child noun бесенок (о девочке) WILD duck дикая утка, кряква WILD fellow повеса WILD guesses  а) домыслы;  б) смутные догадки WILD leek дикий лук; черемша WILD oat(s) noun bot. овсюг he has sown his wild oatss - он перебесился, остепенился - sow ones wild oatss WILD West noun Дикий Запад WILD with joy вне себя от радости ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. (the wilds) pl. дебри, чаща in the wilds of Africa —- в дебрях Африки the wilds of jurisprudence —- образ. юридические дебри 2. девственная природа; лоно природы the call of the wild —- зов предков, стремление на лоно природы in the wild —- в естественных условиях, на воле Id: to play the wild —- ам. вести себя несдержанно (необузданно, безрассудно); (with) расстроить, запутать, высмеять, разыграть (кого-л.) 3. дикий; дикорастущий; некультивированный wild animals —- дикие звери wild flowers —- полевые цветы wild honey —- дикий мед 4. нецивилизованный wild tribes —- дикие племена 5. пугливый (преим. о животных или птицах) 6. невозделанный, целинный wild land —- целина, залежь to bring wild land into a state of cultivation —- распахать целину 7. девственный, дикий (о местности) wild country —- пустынная (необитаемая) местность wild forest —- лесная чаща; девственный лес wild scenery —- пустынный ландшафт 8. неконтролируемый, необузданный wild mob —- буйная толпа wild children —- трудновоспитуемые (распущенные) дети 9. обуреваемый страстями to be wild about (over) smth., smb. —- быть без ума от чего-л., кого-л. he is wild over her beauty —- ее красота свела его с ума to drive (to make) smb. wild —- привести кого-л. в бешенство, вывести кого-л. из себя it is enough to drive you wild —- от этого можно с ума сойти to be wild with smb....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) дикий; дикорастущий 2) пугливый to run wild — одичать; зарасти in the wild — в природе ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  прил. 1) возбужденный 2) необдуманный 3) рискованный 4) спекулятивный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) бурный 2) дикий 3) натуральный 4) некаптированный 5) необдуманный 6) нестабилизированный 7) сырой - wild animal - wild arc - wild compact - wild curve - wild data - wild embedding - wild fiber - wild gasoline - wild guess - wild knot - wild observation - wild point - wild rubber - wild scheme - wild sphere - wild surface - wild value ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 (of an animal or plant) in its original natural state; not domesticated or cultivated (esp. of species or varieties allied to others that are not wild). 2 not civilized; barbarous. 3 (of scenery etc.) having a conspicuously desolate appearance. 4 unrestrained, disorderly, uncontrolled (a wild youth; wild hair). 5 tempestuous, violent (a wild night). 6 a intensely eager; excited, frantic (wild with excitement; wild delight). b (of looks, appearance, etc.) indicating distraction. c (foll. by about) colloq. enthusiastically devoted to (a person or subject). 7 colloq. infuriated, angry (makes me wild). 8 haphazard, ill-aimed, rash (a wild guess; a wild shot; a wild venture). 9 (of a horse, game-bird, etc.) shy; easily startled. 10 colloq. exciting, delightful. 11 (of a card) having any rank chosen by the player holding it (the joker is wild). --adv. in a wild manner (shooting wild). --n. 1 a wild tract. 2 a desert. Phrases and idioms in the wild in an uncultivated etc. state. in (or out in) the wilds colloq. far from normal habitation. run wild grow or stray unchecked or undisciplined. sow one's wild oats see OAT. wild and woolly uncouth; lacking refinement. wild boar see BOAR. wild card 1 see sense 11 of adj. 2 Computing a character that will match any character or sequence of characters in a file name etc. 3 Sport an extra player or team chosen to enter a competition at the selectors' discretion. wild cat any of various smallish cats, esp. the European Felis sylvestris (cf. WILDCAT). wild-goose chase a foolish or hopeless and unproductive quest. wild horse 1 a horse not domesticated or broken in. 2 (in pl.) colloq. even the most powerful influence etc. (wild horses would not drag the secret from me). wild hyacinth = BLUEBELL 1. wild man of the woods colloq. an orang-utan. wild rice any tall grass of the genus Zizania, yielding edible grains. wild silk 1 silk from wild silkworms. 2 an imitation of this from short silk fibres. Wild West the western US in a time of lawlessness in its early history....
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Old English; akin to Old High German ~i ~, Welsh gwyllt  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. living in a state of nature and not ordinarily tame or domesticated ~ ducks  b.  (1) growing or produced without human aid or care ~ honey  (2) related to or resembling a corresponding cultivated or domesticated organism  c. of or relating to ~ organisms the ~ state  2.  a. not inhabited or cultivated ~ land  b. not amenable to human habitation or cultivation; also desolate  3.  a.  (1) not subject to restraint or regulation ; uncontrolled; also unruly  (2) emotionally overcome ~ with grief; also passionately eager or enthusiastic was ~ to own a toy train — J. C. Furnas  b. marked by turbulent agitation ; stormy a ~ night  c. going beyond normal or conventional bounds ; fantastic ~ ideas; also sensational  d. indicative of strong passion, desire, or emotion a ~ gleam of delight in his eyes — Irish Digest  4. uncivilized, barbaric  5. characteristic of, appropriate to, or expressive of ~erness, ~life, or a simple or uncivilized society  6.  a. deviating from the intended or expected course ~ spelling — C. W. Cunnington the throw was ~; also tending to throw inaccurately a ~ pitcher  b. having no basis in known or surmised fact a ~ guess  7. of a playing card able to represent any card designated by the holder  • ~ish adjective  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Date: 13th century  1. a sparsely inhabited or uncultivated region or tract ; ~erness  2. a ~, free, or natural state or existence  III. adverb  Date: circa 1562 in a ~ manner: as  a. without regulation or control plants that grow ~  b. off an intended or expected course ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (wilds, wilder, wildest) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Wild animals or plants live or grow in natural surroundings and are not looked after by people. We saw two more wild cats creeping towards us in the darkness... The lane was lined with wild flowers. ADJ: usu ADJ n 2. Wild land is natural and is not used by people. Elmley is one of the few wild areas remaining in the South East. ADJ: usu ADJ n • wildness ...the wildness of the mountains. N-UNCOUNT 3. The wilds of a place are the natural areas that are far away from towns. They went canoeing in the wilds of Canada. N-PLURAL: the N 4. Wild is used to describe the weather or the sea when it is stormy. The wild weather did not deter some people from swimming in the sea. = stormy ADJ: usu ADJ n 5. Wild behaviour is uncontrolled, excited, or energetic. The children are wild with joy... As George himself came on stage they went wild... They marched into town to the wild cheers of the inhabitants. ADJ: oft v-link ADJ with n • wildly As she finished each song, the crowd clapped wildly. ADV: ADV with v 6. If you describe someone or their behaviour as wild, you mean that they behave in a very uncontrolled way. The house is in a mess after a wild party. ADJ • wildly Five people were injured as Reynolds slashed out wildly with a kitchen knife. ADV: ADV with v • wildness He had come to love the danger and the wildness of his life. N-UNCOUNT 7. If someone is wild, they are very angry. (INFORMAL) For a long time I daren’t tell him I knew, and when I did he went wild. = mad, crazy ADJ: usu v-link ADJ 8. A wild idea is unusual or extreme. A wild guess is one that you make without much thought. Browning’s prediction is no better than a wild guess. ADJ: ADJ n • wildly ‘Thirteen?’ he guessed wildly. ADV 9. see also wildly, wild child 10. If you are wild about someone or something, you like them very much. (INFORMAL) I’m just wild...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »PLANTS/ANIMALS« living in a natural state, not changed or controlled by humans  (wild flowers | a wild rabbit | grow wild)  (daffodils growing wild in the meadow) 2 »EMOTIONS« feeling or expressing strong uncontrolled emotions, especially anger, happiness, or excitement  (wild laughter)  (wild with excitement) 3 go wild a) to behave in a very excited way  (The crowd went wild as soon as Jackson stepped onto the stage.) b) to get very angry 4 »CRAZY« behaving in an uncontrolled, sometimes violent way  (She's great fun, but a bit wild. | Jack had a wild look in his eyes.) 5 »ENJOYABLE« informal very enjoyable and exciting  (That was a really wild party last night!) 6 be wild about to be very interested in or excited about something  (My son's wild about racing cars.) 7 »WITHOUT CAREFUL THOUGHT« done or said without much thought or care, or without knowing all the facts  (wild accusations | a wild guess)  (I just made a wild guess and it turned out to be right.) 8 run wild a) if a garden or plant runs wild, it grows uncontrollably because no one is looking after it b) if children run wild, they do what they like because they are not controlled by an adult 9 beyond your wildest dreams beyond anything you imagined or hoped for  (an invention that was to change our lives beyond our wildest dreams) 10 »WEATHER« violent and strong  (wild winds) 11 »CARD GAMES« a card that is wild can be used to represent any other card in a game  (- see also wild card (1), sow your wild oats sow) - wildly adv  (The crowd ran wildly through the streets. | wildly inaccurate statements) - wildness n ~2 n 1 in the wild in natural and free conditions, not kept or controlled by humans  (There are very few pandas living in the wild now.) 2 the wilds of Africa/Alaska etc areas where there are no towns and not many people live ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Wake Induced Lucid Dream U.S. gov. abbr. Big Lost Ogres Grab Giggling Elephants Rapidly libr. abbr. Warwickshire Interactive Library Database univ. abbr. Womens Institute For Leadership Development funny abbr. Watches Id Like To Dispose funny abbr. Women Inspiring Learning Doing sc. fict. abbr. Warriors Into Living Drug softw. abbr. Washington Interactive Licensing Database perf. arts abbr. Western Image Line Dancers non-prof. org. abbr. Wilderness International Leadership Foundation non-prof. org. abbr. Wildlands Center for Preventing Roads non-prof. org. abbr. International Wilderness Leadership Foundation educ. abbr. Wildlife Interpretation Lessons And Designs educ. abbr. Wilderness Instructor Leadership Development educ. abbr. Wildlife In Learning Design sport abbr. Wrestlings International League Of Destruction religion abbr. Word In Love And Deeds religion abbr. Willing Inviting Loving Disciples religion abbr. The Word, Involvment, Love, and Dinner law abbr. Walk In Lay Down gen. bus. abbr. Winners Innovators Leaders Developers chat abbr. Waking Induced Lucid Dream ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. wilde "in the natural state, uncultivated, undomesticated," from P.Gmc. *wilthijaz, probably from PIE *ghwelt-. The noun meaning "uncultivated or desolate region" is first attested 1596 in the wilds. Wildcat is from 1418; financial speculative sense is U.S., 1830s. Wildfire is O.E.; wild goose chase is in "Romeo and Juliet," perhaps a kind of follow-the-leader steeplechase. Wild card is 1920s in figurative sense, from poker; sports team sense first recorded 1950s. Wilding first recorded 1989. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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